Under the terms of the “Olympic Charter” there is hereby constituted and ordained the “Philippine Olympic Committee Inc.” hereinafter referred to by its abbreviated title “POC” under the Constitution and By-Laws herein promulgated.
The POC, an organization belonging to the Olympic Movement, duly represented by the undersigned, hereby undertakes to respect the provisions of the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code and to abide by the decisions of the IOC.
The POC, undertakes, in accordance with its mission and role at national level, to participate in actions to promote peace and to promote women in sport. The POC also undertakes to support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics, to fight against doping and to demonstrate a responsible concern for environmental issues.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following aims:
Section 1. The principal office of the POC shall be situated in Metro Manila but may be transferred to any other location by decision of the General Assembly. Regional offices may be established in areas to be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following powers and functions:
Section 1. The POC shall be composed of:
Section 2. The POC shall recognize and/or accept as Member only one NSA for each sport governed by an International Federation (IF). Membership with the relevant IF is a requirement for application for membership in the POC and serves as a continuing requirement for POC membership.
Section 3. The POC may extend recognition to other sports associations that govern their respective sports in the country, and such will be classified as "POC Recognized National Sports Association," without the right to vote.
Section 4. Applications for membership by the NSA shall be made in writing and submitted to the President who will assign the Membership Commission to review and submit its recommendation to the Executive Board.
Section 5. If the Membership Commission created under Article IX hereof has determined that the application for membership meets the requirements of these by-laws, then it shall endorse the same to the Executive Board which will evaluate, approve and submit the application at the next General Assembly meeting. The application shall be accepted if approved by a majority of the voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. An applicant who has secured IF recognition prior to approval of its POC Membership application is still bound by the membership requirements of these By-Laws.
Section 6. Membership of the NSA in the POC shall cease:
Section 7. Expulsion of the NSA from the POC must be approved by the General Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting, following due process and after having given a reasonable opportunity for the concerned NSA to be heard. If the ground is removal of the NSA by its IF, only a decision of the Executive Board is required after it has verified and confirmed such fact of removal.
Section 8. Membership of the NSA in the POC may be suspended, following a notice and hearing given to the representative of the NSA and subject to prior consultation and coordination with the International Federation concerned, in case of suspension of the NSA by its IF and/or infringement of the Articles of incorporation and By-Laws of the POC or of the Olympic Charter as may be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. Suspension of membership includes suspension of any privileges as member.
Section 9. Conferment of membership to, and termination of membership of, an individual distinguished person may be approved by the General Assembly with a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly Meeting Any such membership. if any, shall be for a maximum period of one year, but subject to renewal.
Section 10. Governments or other public authorities shall not designate any members to the POC. However, the POC may decide, at its discretion, to elect as members representatives of such authorities.
Section 11. A member expelled from the IOC cannot be a member of the POC.
Section 12. The Secretary General, in coordination with the Membership Commission, must keep an updated register/list of members per category of membership, which must serve as a basis to convene the meetings of the General Assembly and determine the rights to vote at the meetings of the General Assembly.
Section 1. Each National Sports Association (NSA) shall have the following functions and duties:
Section 2. An officer holding an executive position in an NSA may hold a different executive position in another NSA provided that he/she can only represent one (1) NSA at the General Assembly.
Section 3. The NSAs shall be established and operate in accordance with the statutes of their respective International Federations and shall comply with the POC Constitution in the framework of their activities and relationship with the POC. The governing statutes and by-laws of the NSAs must be in line with the statutes of their respective International Federations and compatible with the Olympic Charter and POC by-laws.
Section 4. In the election of officers of the NSA, the POC shall be notified prior to the date of the election and a member of the Membership Commission or its authorized representative may be present as an observer only.
Section 1. The General Assembly shall be composed of all members described in Article IV, Section 1. The General Assembly shall be the highest policy and decision-making body. It can adopt policies, suspend the rules, make decisions, confirm, disapprove or modify decisions and action of the Executive Board and take appropriate action of matters elevated or not discussed in the Executive Board, unless otherwise specified in these By- Laws and without prejudice to the specific powers and responsibilities of the Executive Board under these By-Laws.
Section 2. An NSA representative must possess the qualification as specified in Article V, Section 1(i). An NSA representative may be denied or expelled from the General Assembly by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting in case of non-compliance with, or violation of, these Articles and By-Laws.
Section 3. The General Assembly shall meet once every three (3) months on the third Wednesday of January, April, July and October of each year, or any day as may be set by the President under extra-ordinary circumstances. The meeting on the third Wednesday of January of each year shall be considered as the annual meeting of the General Assembly in order to:
Section 4. An Extraordinary General Assembly meeting may be convened at any time by the President or at the request in writing to that effect given by a resolution of the majority of the Executive Board or by a resolution of the majority of the voting members of the General Assembly. In the latter cases, the Secretary General shall convene the meeting within fifteen (15) days of his/her receiving such a request.
Section 5. The General Assembly can validly act only on those items appearing in its agenda. Proposals concerning the agenda must reach the Secretary General not later than fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting. Members shall be notified through mail, electronic mail, messaging service, or any form of messaging where all members are included or such other manner as may be provided by resolution of the Executive Board of the date set for the meeting at least seven (7) days in advance in the case of the regular quarterly and annual meetings and five (5) days in advance in case of extraordinary meeting.
Section 6. The General Assembly can validly act only if at least a majority of its Regular Members is present. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast by the members present and qualified to vote, except on matters as may be otherwise provided for in these By-Laws. The voting majority of the General Assembly shall consist of the votes cast, by the NSAs affiliated to the International Federations governing sports included in the programme of the Olympic games or their representatives, except on matters as may be otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.
Section 7. When it is a question of specifically Olympic matters, only the votes of the NSAs affiliated to an IF governing sport included in the Olympic program are taken into consideration.
Section 8. Only the official representatives of members referred to in Article IV, Section 1 (a), (b) and (d) shall be entitled to vote and be voted upon. Associate and Recognized members as well as members referred to in Article IV, Section 1 (e) and (f) shall also be invited to attend and participate in the discussions but have no right to vote and are not part of the determination of the quorum.
Section 9. The President shall call and preside over the General Assembly, whether regular or special, at the principal office of the corporation as provided in the Articles of Incorporation, or, if not practicable, in the region, city or municipality where the principal office of the corporation is located.
Section 10. Voting members of the General Assembly who cannot physically attend or vote at General Assembly meetings can participate and vote and shall be considered present for purposes of determining the quorum, through remote communication such as videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or other alternative modes of communication that allow them reasonable opportunities to participate and vote through a secured platform/system. However, they cannot attend or vote by proxy. If he/she intends to participate in a meeting through remote communication, he/she shall notify in advance the Presiding Officer and the Secretary General of his/her intention. The Secretary General shall note such fact in the Minutes of the meeting.
The Presiding Officer who is in attendance through remote communication cannot preside over the General Assembly, in which case, the next officer in succession or such other member of the Executive Board chosen by a majority of those voting members present in the General Assembly shall preside on his/her behalf.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following officers and members of the Executive Board, which should include at least thirty (30) percent of women:
Section 2. The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Internal Auditor and Five (5) Executive Board Members shall be elected from among the official representatives of the Regular Members. None of the above-mentioned elected officers, shall belong to the same NSA. The President, Vice- Presidents, Treasurer, Internal Auditor and three (3) of the five (5) Executive Board Members must belong to NSAs affiliated with International Federations governing sports included in the programme of the Olympic Games.
The candidates for all elective positions must be less than seventy-five (75) years of age on the date of the election.
No elected officer or member can serve in the same position for more than 3 consecutive terms. This provision shall not apply retroactively and the number of terms completed shall be counted as from the first election which will follow the adoption of this clause (i.e. the next election in November 2024).
They shall be elected by the General Assembly at a meeting called for the purpose on the Last Friday of November in the Year of the Olympic Games to serve for a term of four (4) years beginning January 1 of the following year or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. In the event that an Olympic Games is not held during a four-year Olympiad, the General Assembly shall nevertheless meet on the last Friday of November in the year on which the Olympic Games was supposed to have been held, for the purpose of electing the Officers for the ensuing four year.
Section 3. The Officers of the POC listed under Section 2 above shall be elected by secret ballot in the election meeting called for the purpose. The candidate that secures the votes of the majority of the votes cast shall be declared winner. If there are more than two candidates and no one secures the majority of the total votes cast, a second balloting to include the two candidates that secure the most number of votes shall be taken. If there is a tie in the number of votes cast, there shall be a second balloting among those involved in the tie. If thereafter a tie still exists, the outcome shall be determined by lot.
Section 4. The President shall be the presiding officer in all meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Board. S/he may perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 5. The President shall be the legal representative of the POC. He shall sign any deed, agreement, contract or instrument, which the POC is authorized to execute; render a report on the affairs of the POC; and in general perform all duties incident to the Office of the President and such other duties as the General Assembly may prescribe from time to time.
Section 6. The First Vice President and the Second Vice President shall each be appointed chairpersons of a Standing Commission. In the same order, they shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the latter's temporary absence or incapacity. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the Office of the President, the First Vice President or the Second Vice President, as the case may be, shall ipso facto become the President, provided they meet the qualification required of a POC President. Otherwise, the Executive Board must call an election to fill in the vacancy within thirty (30) days from the date the vacancy arises.
Section 7. The Secretary General shall be appointed or removed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board and the General Assembly, from among the representatives of a Regular Member, provided that he shall be either the President, Vice President or Secretary General of his/her NSA for at least two years. S/he shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the POC; have complete control and charge of the official seal and all records of the POC; take charge and conduct the correspondence of the POC of any and all meetings of the POC as the case may be; perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of him by the President of the POC; act as Secretary of all Commissions and Committees; make a written report with all his/her recommendations at the annual meeting of the POC when required to do so.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all dues, fees and any and all moneys or property paid or donated to the POC and shall keep a true and correct account of all receipts and disbursements of the POC; deposit all moneys received in a reliable bank to the credit and name of the POC; submit a quarterly and annual report to the General Assembly and/or the Executive Board of the financial standing of the POC or at such time as s/he is required to do so; and perform any act or thing as may be prescribed by the POC from time to time as befitting his/her office.
Section 9. The Internal Auditor shall perform internal auditing functions and assist Management in discharging its responsibilities and carrying out its objectives; review and appraise the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial and other controls and to promote effective control at reasonable cost; and to safeguard from losses of all kinds; ascertain the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities and recommend operating improvements. In addition, an independent external auditor shall be appointed by the General Assembly to perform an annual audit of the financial statements, under internationally recognized auditing standards, and report accordingly at the annual General Assembly.
Section 10. The Five (5) Executive Board Members shall perform whatever task and responsibilities as may be assigned to them by the President from time to time.
Section 11. The President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President of the POC must have had at least four (4) years experience as and must be currently the NSA President of an Olympic Sport at the time of his/her election as POC President or First Vice-President or Second Vice-President; provided, that his/her NSA is active member of the POC General Assembly for the past two (2) consecutive years preceding their election. Active membership of the NSA means that the NSA, through its duly-designated representative, must have attended a majority of the General Assembly meetings within the 2-year period prior to the POC election.
Section 12. The Treasurer, the Internal Auditor and the Five (5) Executive Board Members of the POC may be elected from among the official representatives of the Regular Members, provided, however, that such individuals, at the time of their election, are either the President, Secretary General or Vice President for at least two years of the NSA which they represent and provided further that the Treasurer, the Internal Auditor and three (3) of the five (5) Executive Board Members must belong to NSAs of Olympic Sports as specified in Article VII – Section 2 of these By-Laws.
Section 13. Any vacancy in the elected officers may be replaced by the voting members of the General Assembly in an election called for the purpose within thirty (30) days from the cause or declaration of vacancy, subject to the provisions of Section 6 above. The newly elected officer shall only serve for the unexpired term.
Section 14. Any elected officer of POC and Secretary General may be removed for cause or loss of confidence, by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting and following due process requirements. Such removal shall be initiated by a majority of the Regular members of the POC through a written verified petition filed with Secretary General thru his office. The Executive Board shall set the date wherein the vote of confidence shall be taken and the election if necessary in an Extraordinary Meeting called for the purpose which shall not be later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the petition with notice to all members delivered not later than five (5) days prior the date of said meeting. The position of the officer shall automatically be declared vacant upon obtaining the required number of votes. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the election called for the purpose shall assume the position only for the remaining term of his predecessor.
Section 15. Absence by an elected officer in any Executive Board meeting for three (3) consecutive times or a total of five (5) in a year without any valid reason shall be considered an expiration of his/her term in office and is, by that fact, considered to have relinquished his/her position subject to the approval by the General Assembly, provided that, if there is any doubt or dispute in relation to the implementation of this provision, the case shall be submitted at the next meeting of the General Assembly for final decision by simple majority of the voting members present.
Section 16. The President may, upon approval of the Executive Board, appoint a Deputy Secretary General, a Deputy Treasurer, and any such other POC Officer as may be necessary. They shall have no voting rights in the Executive Board. These appointed officers may be given responsibilities and such authorities as may be recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 17. The Officers of the POC shall perform their duties on voluntary basis with the exception of those concerned with the administration of the office. They may, however, be reimbursed for traveling, subsistence and any other justified expenses incurred by them in connection with their duties. Unless they are at fault, they shall not be personally responsible for the debts of the POC.
Section 1. Unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the powers, functions of the POC shall be exercised, all business conducted and all property controlled and held by the Executive Board, which shall be composed of the Officers and Members of the Executive Board under Article VII - Section 1 of these By-Laws.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall hold meetings at least once a month. It can transact business if the majority of its voting members are present, either through physical attendance or remote communication. The Executive Board may deal with all questions of interest to the POC. Each voting officer/member of the Executive Board shall have one vote in the meetings of the Executive Board. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the votes cast by the voting members present.
Section 3. Notice of meetings of the Executive Board, whether regular or special, shall be sent to members at least five (5) days in advance of the date set for the meeting together with all related documents. Notices shall be sent through mail, electronic mail, messaging service, or any form of messaging where all members are included or such other manner as may be provided by resolution of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The President, upon his/her own instance, or a majority of the voting members of the Executive Board, upon a written request addressed to the Secretary General, may call a special meeting of the Executive Board.
Section 5. When it is a question of specifically Olympic matters, only the votes of the members of the Executive Board who represent NSAs affiliated to an IF governing sport included in the Olympic program are taken into consideration.
Section 6. Members of the Executive Board who cannot physically attend or vote at the meetings of the Executive Board can participate and vote through remote communication such as videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or other alternative modes of communication that allow them reasonable opportunities to participate. However, they cannot attend or vote by proxy.
Section 1. The Standing Commissions of the POC are the Membership, Finance, Risk Management, Gender Equality in Sport, Medical, Ethics, Technical, Ways and Means and Athlete's Commissions.
Section 2. The Athletes’ Commission is regulated by specific Terms of Reference established in accordance with the IOC guidelines for the NOCs’ Athletes’ Commissions.
Section 3. The Ethics Commission shall operate in accordance with specific regulations duly approved by the General Assembly, and the members of the Ethics Commission shall be independent and elected by the General Assembly for a term of four (4) years (renewable).
Section 4. Other Commissions or Committees may be created upon recommendation by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Board. With the exception of Sections 2 and 3 above, the President shall appoint, subject to the confirmation of the Executive Board, the Chairpersons and members of the Commissions and Committees to study particular aspects of the work of the POC and to advise and assist the Executive Board in dealing with these aspects.
Section 5. With the exception of Sections 2 and 3 above, the duties, tasks, and authorities of these Commissions and Committees shall be recommended by the President to and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 6. An independent Electoral Commission (ELECOM) shall be formed by the General Assembly at a meeting preceding the Elective General Assembly, upon proposal of the Executive Board, composed of three (3) members, one of whom, a least, shall have a legal background, who shall not be officers or members of the POC and any NSA. The ELECOM shall oversee the conduct of regular and special elections, accept candidacies, resolve disqualification cases, protests and all election-related disputes before proceeding with the elections, subject to final decision of the General Assembly in the event of any doubt as to the eligibility of any candidate, and proclaim the winners.
Section 1. The finances of the POC shall be derived from, among others:
Section 2. The fiscal year of the POC shall start on January 1 and end on December 31 of each year.
Section 1. The POC shall have its own emblem and seal approved by the Executive Board, General Assembly and the IOC.
Section 1. The POC, in the exercise of its powers and authority of general supervision over the Olympic and sports Movement in the country, may adopt such rules and regulations not contrary to its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Section 2. The workings of the bodies of the POC may be detailed in regulations approved by the Executive Board.
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board and thereafter by the General Assembly of the POC convened especially for that purpose with the provision that at least a majority of the voting members shall attend and that the decision shall be made by at least a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. Any such amendments shall be effective and binding only upon the approval of the IOC.
Section 2. These Constitution and By-Laws shall, at all times, comply with the Olympic Charter to which they must refer expressly. If there is any doubt as to signification or interpretation of these Constitution and By-Laws, or if there is a contradiction between the same and the Olympic Charter, the latter takes precedence.
Section 1. These New Constitution and By-Laws were approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly convened especially for that purpose on the 16th of January 2024, at Paranaque City, Philippines.
Under the terms of the “Olympic Charter” there is hereby constituted and ordained the “Philippine Olympic Committee Inc.” hereinafter referred to by its abbreviated title “POC” under the Constitution and By-Laws herein promulgated.
The POC, an organization belonging to the Olympic Movement, duly represented by the undersigned, hereby undertakes to respect the provisions of the Olympic Charter and the World Anti-Doping Code and to abide by the decisions of the IOC.
The POC, undertakes, in accordance with its mission and role at national level, to participate in actions to promote peace and to promote women in sport. The POC also undertakes to support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics, to fight against doping and to demonstrate a responsible concern for environmental issues.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following aims:
Section 1. The principal office of the POC shall be situated in Metro Manila but may be transferred to any other location by decision of the General Assembly. Regional offices may be established in areas to be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following powers and functions:
Section 1. The POC shall be composed of:
Section 2. The POC shall recognize and/or accept as Member only one NSA for each sport governed by an International Federation (IF). Membership with the relevant IF is a requirement for application for membership in the POC and serves as a continuing requirement for POC membership.
Section 3. The POC may extend recognition to other sports associations that govern their respective sports in the country, and such will be classified as "POC Recognized National Sports Association," without the right to vote.
Section 4. Applications for membership by the NSA shall be made in writing and submitted to the President who will assign the Membership Commission to review and submit its recommendation to the Executive Board.
Section 5. If the Membership Commission created under Article IX hereof has determined that the application for membership meets the requirements of these by-laws, then it shall endorse the same to the Executive Board which will evaluate, approve and submit the application at the next General Assembly meeting. The application shall be accepted if approved by a majority of the voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. An applicant who has secured IF recognition prior to approval of its POC Membership application is still bound by the membership requirements of these By-Laws.
Section 6. Membership of the NSA in the POC shall cease:
Section 7. Expulsion of the NSA from the POC must be approved by the General Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting, following due process and after having given a reasonable opportunity for the concerned NSA to be heard. If the ground is removal of the NSA by its IF, only a decision of the Executive Board is required after it has verified and confirmed such fact of removal.
Section 8. Membership of the NSA in the POC may be suspended, following a notice and hearing given to the representative of the NSA and subject to prior consultation and coordination with the International Federation concerned, in case of suspension of the NSA by its IF and/or infringement of the Articles of incorporation and By-Laws of the POC or of the Olympic Charter as may be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. Suspension of membership includes suspension of any privileges as member.
Section 9. Conferment of membership to, and termination of membership of, an individual distinguished person may be approved by the General Assembly with a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly Meeting Any such membership. if any, shall be for a maximum period of one year, but subject to renewal.
Section 10. Governments or other public authorities shall not designate any members to the POC. However, the POC may decide, at its discretion, to elect as members representatives of such authorities.
Section 11. A member expelled from the IOC cannot be a member of the POC.
Section 12. The Secretary General, in coordination with the Membership Commission, must keep an updated register/list of members per category of membership, which must serve as a basis to convene the meetings of the General Assembly and determine the rights to vote at the meetings of the General Assembly.
Section 1. Each National Sports Association (NSA) shall have the following functions and duties:
Section 2. An officer holding an executive position in an NSA may hold a different executive position in another NSA provided that he/she can only represent one (1) NSA at the General Assembly.
Section 3. The NSAs shall be established and operate in accordance with the statutes of their respective International Federations and shall comply with the POC Constitution in the framework of their activities and relationship with the POC. The governing statutes and by-laws of the NSAs must be in line with the statutes of their respective International Federations and compatible with the Olympic Charter and POC by-laws.
Section 4. In the election of officers of the NSA, the POC shall be notified prior to the date of the election and a member of the Membership Commission or its authorized representative may be present as an observer only.
Section 1. The General Assembly shall be composed of all members described in Article IV, Section 1. The General Assembly shall be the highest policy and decision-making body. It can adopt policies, suspend the rules, make decisions, confirm, disapprove or modify decisions and action of the Executive Board and take appropriate action of matters elevated or not discussed in the Executive Board, unless otherwise specified in these By- Laws and without prejudice to the specific powers and responsibilities of the Executive Board under these By-Laws.
Section 2. An NSA representative must possess the qualification as specified in Article V, Section 1(i). An NSA representative may be denied or expelled from the General Assembly by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting in case of non-compliance with, or violation of, these Articles and By-Laws.
Section 3. The General Assembly shall meet once every three (3) months on the third Wednesday of January, April, July and October of each year, or any day as may be set by the President under extra-ordinary circumstances. The meeting on the third Wednesday of January of each year shall be considered as the annual meeting of the General Assembly in order to:
Section 4. An Extraordinary General Assembly meeting may be convened at any time by the President or at the request in writing to that effect given by a resolution of the majority of the Executive Board or by a resolution of the majority of the voting members of the General Assembly. In the latter cases, the Secretary General shall convene the meeting within fifteen (15) days of his/her receiving such a request.
Section 5. The General Assembly can validly act only on those items appearing in its agenda. Proposals concerning the agenda must reach the Secretary General not later than fifteen (15) days before the date of the meeting. Members shall be notified through mail, electronic mail, messaging service, or any form of messaging where all members are included or such other manner as may be provided by resolution of the Executive Board of the date set for the meeting at least seven (7) days in advance in the case of the regular quarterly and annual meetings and five (5) days in advance in case of extraordinary meeting.
Section 6. The General Assembly can validly act only if at least a majority of its Regular Members is present. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast by the members present and qualified to vote, except on matters as may be otherwise provided for in these By-Laws. The voting majority of the General Assembly shall consist of the votes cast, by the NSAs affiliated to the International Federations governing sports included in the programme of the Olympic games or their representatives, except on matters as may be otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.
Section 7. When it is a question of specifically Olympic matters, only the votes of the NSAs affiliated to an IF governing sport included in the Olympic program are taken into consideration.
Section 8. Only the official representatives of members referred to in Article IV, Section 1 (a), (b) and (d) shall be entitled to vote and be voted upon. Associate and Recognized members as well as members referred to in Article IV, Section 1 (e) and (f) shall also be invited to attend and participate in the discussions but have no right to vote and are not part of the determination of the quorum.
Section 9. The President shall call and preside over the General Assembly, whether regular or special, at the principal office of the corporation as provided in the Articles of Incorporation, or, if not practicable, in the region, city or municipality where the principal office of the corporation is located.
Section 10. Voting members of the General Assembly who cannot physically attend or vote at General Assembly meetings can participate and vote and shall be considered present for purposes of determining the quorum, through remote communication such as videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or other alternative modes of communication that allow them reasonable opportunities to participate and vote through a secured platform/system. However, they cannot attend or vote by proxy. If he/she intends to participate in a meeting through remote communication, he/she shall notify in advance the Presiding Officer and the Secretary General of his/her intention. The Secretary General shall note such fact in the Minutes of the meeting.
The Presiding Officer who is in attendance through remote communication cannot preside over the General Assembly, in which case, the next officer in succession or such other member of the Executive Board chosen by a majority of those voting members present in the General Assembly shall preside on his/her behalf.
Section 1. The POC shall have the following officers and members of the Executive Board, which should include at least thirty (30) percent of women:
Section 2. The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Internal Auditor and Five (5) Executive Board Members shall be elected from among the official representatives of the Regular Members. None of the above-mentioned elected officers, shall belong to the same NSA. The President, Vice- Presidents, Treasurer, Internal Auditor and three (3) of the five (5) Executive Board Members must belong to NSAs affiliated with International Federations governing sports included in the programme of the Olympic Games.
The candidates for all elective positions must be less than seventy-five (75) years of age on the date of the election.
No elected officer or member can serve in the same position for more than 3 consecutive terms. This provision shall not apply retroactively and the number of terms completed shall be counted as from the first election which will follow the adoption of this clause (i.e. the next election in November 2024).
They shall be elected by the General Assembly at a meeting called for the purpose on the Last Friday of November in the Year of the Olympic Games to serve for a term of four (4) years beginning January 1 of the following year or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. In the event that an Olympic Games is not held during a four-year Olympiad, the General Assembly shall nevertheless meet on the last Friday of November in the year on which the Olympic Games was supposed to have been held, for the purpose of electing the Officers for the ensuing four year.
Section 3. The Officers of the POC listed under Section 2 above shall be elected by secret ballot in the election meeting called for the purpose. The candidate that secures the votes of the majority of the votes cast shall be declared winner. If there are more than two candidates and no one secures the majority of the total votes cast, a second balloting to include the two candidates that secure the most number of votes shall be taken. If there is a tie in the number of votes cast, there shall be a second balloting among those involved in the tie. If thereafter a tie still exists, the outcome shall be determined by lot.
Section 4. The President shall be the presiding officer in all meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Board. S/he may perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 5. The President shall be the legal representative of the POC. He shall sign any deed, agreement, contract or instrument, which the POC is authorized to execute; render a report on the affairs of the POC; and in general perform all duties incident to the Office of the President and such other duties as the General Assembly may prescribe from time to time.
Section 6. The First Vice President and the Second Vice President shall each be appointed chairpersons of a Standing Commission. In the same order, they shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the latter's temporary absence or incapacity. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the Office of the President, the First Vice President or the Second Vice President, as the case may be, shall ipso facto become the President, provided they meet the qualification required of a POC President. Otherwise, the Executive Board must call an election to fill in the vacancy within thirty (30) days from the date the vacancy arises.
Section 7. The Secretary General shall be appointed or removed by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board and the General Assembly, from among the representatives of a Regular Member, provided that he shall be either the President, Vice President or Secretary General of his/her NSA for at least two years. S/he shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the POC; have complete control and charge of the official seal and all records of the POC; take charge and conduct the correspondence of the POC of any and all meetings of the POC as the case may be; perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of him by the President of the POC; act as Secretary of all Commissions and Committees; make a written report with all his/her recommendations at the annual meeting of the POC when required to do so.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all dues, fees and any and all moneys or property paid or donated to the POC and shall keep a true and correct account of all receipts and disbursements of the POC; deposit all moneys received in a reliable bank to the credit and name of the POC; submit a quarterly and annual report to the General Assembly and/or the Executive Board of the financial standing of the POC or at such time as s/he is required to do so; and perform any act or thing as may be prescribed by the POC from time to time as befitting his/her office.
Section 9. The Internal Auditor shall perform internal auditing functions and assist Management in discharging its responsibilities and carrying out its objectives; review and appraise the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial and other controls and to promote effective control at reasonable cost; and to safeguard from losses of all kinds; ascertain the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities and recommend operating improvements. In addition, an independent external auditor shall be appointed by the General Assembly to perform an annual audit of the financial statements, under internationally recognized auditing standards, and report accordingly at the annual General Assembly.
Section 10. The Five (5) Executive Board Members shall perform whatever task and responsibilities as may be assigned to them by the President from time to time.
Section 11. The President, First Vice-President and Second Vice-President of the POC must have had at least four (4) years experience as and must be currently the NSA President of an Olympic Sport at the time of his/her election as POC President or First Vice-President or Second Vice-President; provided, that his/her NSA is active member of the POC General Assembly for the past two (2) consecutive years preceding their election. Active membership of the NSA means that the NSA, through its duly-designated representative, must have attended a majority of the General Assembly meetings within the 2-year period prior to the POC election.
Section 12. The Treasurer, the Internal Auditor and the Five (5) Executive Board Members of the POC may be elected from among the official representatives of the Regular Members, provided, however, that such individuals, at the time of their election, are either the President, Secretary General or Vice President for at least two years of the NSA which they represent and provided further that the Treasurer, the Internal Auditor and three (3) of the five (5) Executive Board Members must belong to NSAs of Olympic Sports as specified in Article VII – Section 2 of these By-Laws.
Section 13. Any vacancy in the elected officers may be replaced by the voting members of the General Assembly in an election called for the purpose within thirty (30) days from the cause or declaration of vacancy, subject to the provisions of Section 6 above. The newly elected officer shall only serve for the unexpired term.
Section 14. Any elected officer of POC and Secretary General may be removed for cause or loss of confidence, by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting and following due process requirements. Such removal shall be initiated by a majority of the Regular members of the POC through a written verified petition filed with Secretary General thru his office. The Executive Board shall set the date wherein the vote of confidence shall be taken and the election if necessary in an Extraordinary Meeting called for the purpose which shall not be later than thirty (30) days after the filing of the petition with notice to all members delivered not later than five (5) days prior the date of said meeting. The position of the officer shall automatically be declared vacant upon obtaining the required number of votes. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the election called for the purpose shall assume the position only for the remaining term of his predecessor.
Section 15. Absence by an elected officer in any Executive Board meeting for three (3) consecutive times or a total of five (5) in a year without any valid reason shall be considered an expiration of his/her term in office and is, by that fact, considered to have relinquished his/her position subject to the approval by the General Assembly, provided that, if there is any doubt or dispute in relation to the implementation of this provision, the case shall be submitted at the next meeting of the General Assembly for final decision by simple majority of the voting members present.
Section 16. The President may, upon approval of the Executive Board, appoint a Deputy Secretary General, a Deputy Treasurer, and any such other POC Officer as may be necessary. They shall have no voting rights in the Executive Board. These appointed officers may be given responsibilities and such authorities as may be recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 17. The Officers of the POC shall perform their duties on voluntary basis with the exception of those concerned with the administration of the office. They may, however, be reimbursed for traveling, subsistence and any other justified expenses incurred by them in connection with their duties. Unless they are at fault, they shall not be personally responsible for the debts of the POC.
Section 1. Unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the powers, functions of the POC shall be exercised, all business conducted and all property controlled and held by the Executive Board, which shall be composed of the Officers and Members of the Executive Board under Article VII - Section 1 of these By-Laws.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall hold meetings at least once a month. It can transact business if the majority of its voting members are present, either through physical attendance or remote communication. The Executive Board may deal with all questions of interest to the POC. Each voting officer/member of the Executive Board shall have one vote in the meetings of the Executive Board. Decisions shall be taken by simple majority of the votes cast by the voting members present.
Section 3. Notice of meetings of the Executive Board, whether regular or special, shall be sent to members at least five (5) days in advance of the date set for the meeting together with all related documents. Notices shall be sent through mail, electronic mail, messaging service, or any form of messaging where all members are included or such other manner as may be provided by resolution of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The President, upon his/her own instance, or a majority of the voting members of the Executive Board, upon a written request addressed to the Secretary General, may call a special meeting of the Executive Board.
Section 5. When it is a question of specifically Olympic matters, only the votes of the members of the Executive Board who represent NSAs affiliated to an IF governing sport included in the Olympic program are taken into consideration.
Section 6. Members of the Executive Board who cannot physically attend or vote at the meetings of the Executive Board can participate and vote through remote communication such as videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or other alternative modes of communication that allow them reasonable opportunities to participate. However, they cannot attend or vote by proxy.
Section 1. The Standing Commissions of the POC are the Membership, Finance, Risk Management, Gender Equality in Sport, Medical, Ethics, Technical, Ways and Means and Athlete's Commissions.
Section 2. The Athletes’ Commission is regulated by specific Terms of Reference established in accordance with the IOC guidelines for the NOCs’ Athletes’ Commissions.
Section 3. The Ethics Commission shall operate in accordance with specific regulations duly approved by the General Assembly, and the members of the Ethics Commission shall be independent and elected by the General Assembly for a term of four (4) years (renewable).
Section 4. Other Commissions or Committees may be created upon recommendation by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Board. With the exception of Sections 2 and 3 above, the President shall appoint, subject to the confirmation of the Executive Board, the Chairpersons and members of the Commissions and Committees to study particular aspects of the work of the POC and to advise and assist the Executive Board in dealing with these aspects.
Section 5. With the exception of Sections 2 and 3 above, the duties, tasks, and authorities of these Commissions and Committees shall be recommended by the President to and approved by the Executive Board.
Section 6. An independent Electoral Commission (ELECOM) shall be formed by the General Assembly at a meeting preceding the Elective General Assembly, upon proposal of the Executive Board, composed of three (3) members, one of whom, a least, shall have a legal background, who shall not be officers or members of the POC and any NSA. The ELECOM shall oversee the conduct of regular and special elections, accept candidacies, resolve disqualification cases, protests and all election-related disputes before proceeding with the elections, subject to final decision of the General Assembly in the event of any doubt as to the eligibility of any candidate, and proclaim the winners.
Section 1. The finances of the POC shall be derived from, among others:
Section 2. The fiscal year of the POC shall start on January 1 and end on December 31 of each year.
Section 1. The POC shall have its own emblem and seal approved by the Executive Board, General Assembly and the IOC.
Section 1. The POC, in the exercise of its powers and authority of general supervision over the Olympic and sports Movement in the country, may adopt such rules and regulations not contrary to its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Section 2. The workings of the bodies of the POC may be detailed in regulations approved by the Executive Board.
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board and thereafter by the General Assembly of the POC convened especially for that purpose with the provision that at least a majority of the voting members shall attend and that the decision shall be made by at least a two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the General Assembly meeting. Any such amendments shall be effective and binding only upon the approval of the IOC.
Section 2. These Constitution and By-Laws shall, at all times, comply with the Olympic Charter to which they must refer expressly. If there is any doubt as to signification or interpretation of these Constitution and By-Laws, or if there is a contradiction between the same and the Olympic Charter, the latter takes precedence.
Section 1. These New Constitution and By-Laws were approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the entire voting membership at the Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly convened especially for that purpose on the 16th of January 2024, at Paranaque City, Philippines.